Sunday, December 14, 2008

Christmas Traditions

My family has a few Christmas traditions that we enjoy every year. Our big one is getting together and having a Family Christmas Party. My grandma had 8 children so it is quite a party. We have a family gift exchange, a great dinner, christmas caroling and Santa comes to visit the children and of course they love getting their first little present for the Holidays. Our Christmas Party was on Saturday and it was so nice visiting with family and getting in the Holiday spirit. We hope you all have a very MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR.

On friday the kids and I went down to my moms in La Verne and decorated christmas cookies. This is just another Family tradition that I love to share with my kids. They have a blast smothering the cookies in frosting and sprinkles. They are the best cookies ever at christmas time. This is one tradition I will continue in my family...and one day I will get to do this with my grandkids.:)

On Thursday night the kids and I had so much fun making our first Ginger bread house. The kids are now at an age where we can start having some fun family traditions that we will do every year, and this for sure is one of them. They loved it.


Tera said...

What great traditions. Those are the kinds of things your kids will always remember about the holidays and will make them miss "home" when they are grown!


HOw fun it all looks. And Yes..those were some good cookies, especially the ginerbread ones!! Love it!! We need some more traditions over here, you know me not wanting to make a mess!!!

Amanda said...

That looks like such fun!! I can't wait until Peyton is old enough to start enjoying some things like this!! Cute picures!

srldesign said...

Wow, your family has grown. The kids are all so big. You guys look like you've been pretty busy. we hope you guys have a merry christmas!